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How to Link Your Playstation Network Account to Your Epic Account
In a word, DON'T. Read this first. Epic Games recommends creating a new Epic account for each platform from which you play: PC, Xbox, and Playstation.
STEP 1: Visit the Fortnite Website.
STEP 2: If you're already logged into an account, SIGN OUT.
STEP 3: Click the Sign In button at the top right of the page.
STEP 4: Click "Sign In With Playstation" and log in using your **Playstation Network credentials.** When you played on console, Epic created a temporary epic account for you based on your PSN credentials, and signing in will allow you to promote it to a full Epic account. (Do not use the credentials for any existing Epic account.)
STEP 5: Once logged in, you will be asked to Register. In order to link the account, you will need to use an Email Address *and* Display Name that are NOT being used on another Epic account. (If you get an "account already linked" error message, you are most likely trying to use an email address or display name that is already in use.)
Bear in mind that all of your save data is tied to your Epic account that your PSN name is linked to.
Once you've created your new Epic account (or promoted your console account to a full Epic account), you can return to Fortnite Scout and view your console stats with your new Epic username.
↗ How to link your XBL Fortnite name to an Epic Account
↗ How to fix PSN/XBL "account is already linked to an epic account."
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